New Shipment of Tatami Jigsaw Mats Arrives
There is a new shipment of tatami jigsaw mats set to arrive in Melbourne. This is our first shipment of jigsaw mats with a tatami finish. Our jigsaw mats usually come with the t-pattern which is the most common finish on EVA jigsaw mats. We have decided to expand our range to include mats with the tatami finish due to popular demand. We have had many customers come to us in the past and request training mats with a tatami finish so we added them to our extensive range of training and martial arts mats.
The tatami finish is a popular option for many different martial arts because it has a more traditional look. That said they are also sort after by other organisations involved in activities such as boxing and aerobics to name a few. They are sure to be in high demand so it is important that you book you mats now as they are sure to run out quickly. If the tatami jigsaw mats are a popular as we think they will be then we may also add them to our Sydney stock as well.
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