Cheaper Mats After Dollars Rise
The recent rise of the Australian Dollar has lead to a fall in the price of EVA interlocking jigsaw mats. The AUD has held above $0.75USD for some time now which has translated in to better jigsaw mat prices. As result Ezy Mats has chosen to pass on the saving to customers to maintain our position as the cheapest supplier of training mats in the Australian market.
Like all good imported in to Australia when the Australian dollar rises against other currencies then goods imported into Australia get cheaper. It is then up to the import as to whether they pass on this savings to the customer. Many importers, including jigsaw mat importers, choose not to pass on the savings and instead use it to improve their bottom-line. Ezy Mats are not one of them. We always pass on all saving to our customers to maintain our leading position in the EVA jigsaw mats retail market.
The price decrease has effect all our mats including:
- 20mm jigsaw mats
- 30mm jigsaw mats
- 40mm jigsaw mats
- 40mm tatami mats
Also we have 2 shipments arriving shortly to replenish our stock.
Call Ezymats today for your EVA jigsaw mat requirements.
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