Ezymats ship jigsaw mats world-wide
Ezymats jigsaw mats can now be shipped world-wide. Our warehouse in China can now dispatch jigsaw mats to the four corners of the world. We ship to USA, UK, Europe, Japan, Asia, South America, Brazil and Africa. Minimum order quantity for world-wide shipments is a 20′ container which is approximately 550 jigsaw mats. We can ship everything from 20mm, 30mm and 40mm mats from our China warehouse. All orderer are processed by our Hong Kong Office (Yatama LTD Hong Kong). For more details contact us.
We are still able to delivery small quantities Australia-wide as we have a warehouse in Belmore in Sydney. So in Australia we can ship to Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, Canberra, Wollongong, Newcastle and anywhere in between. We stock 40mm jigsaw mats in our Belmore warehouse. Our EVA mats are available for immediate dispatch.
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