Market Watch - AUD vs USD in May 2017

Being a company that is so reliant on imported goods it is important for us to track currency movements. Our purchase of EVA mats and foam mats is done from off-shore companies who require payment in US dollars. In this case if the USD goes up then the price of EVA mats and foam mats […]


Get You BJJ Mat From Us

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is all the rage at the moment. Seems to be there is a new school opening every day such is the demand. It is a fantastic martial art which is very practical and can be easily integrated with out style of martial arts. Also there are many organisations now that organise all sort […]


Why Interlocking Mats Are The Best?

With the proliferation of 24 hours gyms and home training there has been an explosion of the need for anti-fatigue mats. Anti-fatigue mats not only look good and mark out the designated area for training but they assist in limiting injury due to vigorous training. The need for ant-fatigue mats can’t be overstated when discussing […]


Why Does Your Child’s Play Room Need Jigsaw Mats?

Designing a child’s play room is always a challenge. You want to create a safe space for them but still give them room to grow and have fun. Safety is the most important concern of parents because children can become injured in playrooms. If they fall and come in contact with a hard concrete, stone, […]


All You Need For Your Gym

When planning a new martial arts or MMA gym it can often be a daunting task. Trying to piece together all the things you need can be time consuming and it is even harder to find someone you can rely on. At EzyMats we have all you need to fit out your next or new […]


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