Training BJJ or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a very intense pursuit. It is a tough sport that can take its tool on your body. With all the throws and rolling around you want to make sure you have a good surface to train on. That is why you need good mats and the good news […]
Training In Your Home Gym These days a lot of training is done at home. Whilst professional gyms will always be part of the equation the need to train more has lead us to train more in a domestic environment. At the gym we have all sorts of protective equipment to keep us safe but […]
Interlocking Puzzle Mats Versus Non-Slip Bottom Tatami Mats When it comes to decking out your gym it can sometimes be hard to decide which are the best. There are so many option out there that it can be confusing. Even when you nail it down to just two options, like puzzle mats and tatami mats, […]
Sometimes when you undertake an activity it is difficult to find all the things your need to enjoy your pursuit. Take MMA for example. Yes it might be a popular sport but it is not as mainstream as other which might make it hard to find all you need for MMA sometimes. Luckily for you […]
High impact training involves intense bursts of activity, in which both feet are off the ground at the same time. This training is especially helpful if you are thinking about cardio workouts, martial arts and other sports activities. The amount of impact of your exercises can have a huge effect on how many calories you […]
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