Jiu jitsu Mats Surge With Popularity of Training
There have been a huge surge in the demand for jiu jitsu mats in the recent past. This can be increasingly be attributed to the popularity of jiu-jitsu itself. The proliferation of jiu jitsu gyms has meant that jiu jitsu is fast overtaking karate as the most popular martial art, even though karate mats are also best sellers. Although all martial arts are still a popular choice of activity for both adults and kids. Jiu jitsu seems to be growing in leaps and bounds.
We get request for jiu-jitsu mats on a daily basis. Whether they are for personal use in the home of for professional gyms the calls come through all the time. The type of mats also vary. Whilst most people go for the interlocking floor mats as they are the most cost effective exercise mats that we have, people also go for the MMA mats and tatami mats. The professional gyms especially like to chose the heavy duty vinyl mats as they are a more long term and permanent solution for training mats.
To understand why interlocking foam mats and MMA mats are so popular it is important to understand the art. Japanese jiu jutsu (also known as jujutsu) is a system that typically emphasises throwing, pinning, and joint-locking techniques. While there is some striking techniques they are seen as less important because they were used as more as set-ups for their grappling techniques. It is this constant grappling and throwing that has made jiu jitsu mats (jujutsu mats) as popular as they are today.
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