There are a few things you need to know before deciding on purchasing EVA jisawmats.
1. EVA is a petroleum by-product and can initially have a strong smell. As time goes past the smell usually dissipates. A residual smell can remain but it is very faint.
When you install your jigsaw mats make sure the area is well ventilated. If possible leave them outside for a while under a covered area away from sun and rain. Always open windows before use.
2. As the mats are an EVA product they have a slight sheen on then. This is due to the fact that they are made from EVA foam, which is a petroleum by-product. Please consider this before making your purchase. This sheen can be found on other foam products of a similar nature.
3. Our EVA mats can leave marks on some surfaces. Please test your surface before purchase. To mitigate this users will often use an underlay in conjunction with the mats.
4. Due to the manufacturing process the thickness of mats may vary slightly. The variation can be up to 5mm in places. The can be mitigated by:
a) matching mats of the same thickness.
b) the use of underlay.
If the issues is overly pronounced please contact us and we will do our best to supply replacement mats depending on availability.
5. The colour of mats may vary between batches and within the same batch of mats. As such the shade of colour of mats advertised on our website will not alway match mats purchased. If you are trying to match previously purchased mats of mats from another supplier please contact us for a sample before making your purchase.
6. It is the user’s/customer’s responsibility to determine whether the mats thickness meets their requirements. Please choose carefully to ensure the thickness of the mat and this type of mat is suitable for your activity.
7. In case you didn’t understand point #1 EVA mats and gym mats in general are for indoor use only. Do not leave them outdoors exposed to the elements.
8. All EVA jigsaw mats are subject to contraction and expansion in extreme temperatures, such as tropical areas and in warehouses that are prone to overheating. To minimize the degree of variance in such conditions, we recommend choosing the 3cm or 4cm mats.
Please ensure any mats returned to Ezymats meet our return policy.
If any of the above issues may cause a potential problem you may want to consider another product as EVA mats may not be suitable for your application.
Please consider these issues before making a purchase.
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